I've at least starting checking out a few great stores though, in the hope of finding that perfect 1970s desk from Denmark, painstakingly constructed by an industrial designer with deathly black oversized glasses and a surreptitious cocaine habit.
What didn't make it to the bin in the spring clean was a bunch of relatively important personal documents, journal articles and the like which were too important to throw out, but didn't need to be on hand everyday. In short, they needed to go into deep storage.
Now I spent weeks wandering around for your standard filing cabinet or something similar, which would give me easy access to all of these documents but then it hit me...when was the last time I desperately needed to paw through these papers to find something? It was months ago. I didn't need to organise these papers and waste money on a filing cabinet, which always end up looking horrendously ugly. So I bought this amazingly rad box from Nook Vintage in Collingwood instead. It hides my documents perfectly and looks much more stylish then a beige filing cabinet.
Screw meticulous organisation for a thesis - just box it.