I went through a super intense period of devouring new music and hoarding it away on my computer a few years back, checking stacks of rad blogs and raiding friend's music collections...and then it all kinda stopped.
Fin. End. Game Over.
So to my chagrin, I've been listening to exactly the same bands ad nauseam. Ugh. Totally boring right?
Well Surfer Blood has kicked me back into gear. I stumbled across these guys from Palm Beach, Florida yesterday and haven't stopped listening to their track 'Floating Vibes', which pretty much sounds like a 1970s photo of a California beach scene.
'If you're moving out to the west, then you'd better learn how to surf'
The song is packed with great harmonies and the band comes through a filter of Beach Boys, Pavement and even briefly nods in the direction of afro-indie sound currently doing the rounds. It's almost as if they've donned balaclavas and cunningly nicked all the good sections from songs which fall under the genre 'summer hit', melded them all together, and come up with a neo-American classic.
And their album Astro Coast comes out on January 19th, which is practically tomorrow.
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